Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Water Wednesday

note: My blog has been a fail. I haven't posted anything in a long time. I'm sorry about that. Remember that you can always find me on Instagram @marshmallows_sparkles (please follow :) ) and on Pinterest user name: aimeiluvsu. Lately I have been posting one photo a day on Instagram. and I pin frequently on Pinterest.

Water is an essential to life. That includes yours! Follow these steps to smartly use water in your life.

1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
2. Don't waste water.
3. Water a plant.

How do you use water in your life?


Saturday, January 19, 2013


I know I haven't posted a blog post in a long time but I have been posting pictures on Instagram. My Instagram name is marshmallows_sparkles.
- Emily

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Glitter On : Les Miserables

So if you read the post by the team before this one you know that I went to see Les Miserables. So I decided to do my first movie review in this format, so I hope you like it and if you have any suggestions feel free to leave them as comments down below.

Movie : Les Miserables

Main Actors : Hugh Jackson, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Steinfield

Age Group: Definitely 13 and up but I think that most 12 year olds could see it

Rating: 8/10

Extra Thoughts: this movie is super sad, but it is really good and the music is amazing!

Who It's For: Any broadway fanatic, lover of music, or drama lover

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Where To Find Other Fun Stuff!

You can follow Emily on polyvore!
You can contact her for business inquires only at 
All other questions can be left on the bottom of her first post here
                  the team                                                                                                                                                     
aka just me cotton

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Website Design?

Hey guys! So hopefully by tomorrow I will have all of the following changes in place:
•a new contributor :)
•have all of my side bars things working
• a better looking home page
•pages within this blog
But until then I wanted to show you something that's going to go on the bottom of every post from now on!

Ten Reasons You Should Talk Less And Listen More

Top Ten Reasons You Should Talk Less and Listen More:
1. You will learn so much more
2. You will build better relationships
3. Your friends will love you for it
4. Your voice will thank you
5. Secrets won't slip out so easily
6. Your attitude will change and improve
7. It's a simple change that makes a huge impact
8. It's an easy resolution (in my opinion)
9. Your teachers won't get mad at you as often (if they usually get mad at you for talking)
10. It's essential to make small sacrifices to improve the already amazing person you are!
So try it out! Are you going to try talking less and listening more?

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Regarding all college related stuff, all of my posts belong to me and are written exclusively by me, which is evidenced by the large amount of grammatical errors that can be found throughout my blog.

I am voluntarily sharing all of this information so please be respectful and mindful.

I have realized that by putting links to various shops and websites some people might suspect me of posting affiliate links opposed to just normal links.

TRUTH : No one reads this blog, therefore the likelihood of sponsorships is very low.  I truly just really love or admire the sites I post on the right side of my blog(web version only).

I have no affiliation with anyone. Every post and word on this blog is not sponsored.

It says powered by Blogger at the bottom because I used Blogger to create this blog, and every time I post things.

I will try my best to give credit to photographers when I can.  If I got a picture from Tumblr I will provide the source.  If I obtain a picture from Instagram I will provide the user that posted it to the best of my ability.

If there is a copyright or watermark on a picture I will leave it and not alter the image to get rid of it.

This is not a professionally created blog, I am literally using blogger to the best of my abilities.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

FDA : This post was not sponsored.

All pictures, excluding screen grabs and movie stills, without any credit were taken by me.

Note: I didn't want the disclosure post to be in-between new content, so I put it in an old post, hence the different URL.  This was actually published on July 7, 2015, and updated on May 29, 2017.

Happy New Year!

Hey Everyone I just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year!  Today i am really excited to watch the rose parade and eat traditional Japanese food.  But, before that i wanted to share with you some of my resolutions for 2013!
1.Finish Cleaning up my room-i always start things but seem to never finish them
2.Eat Healthier-this was on my list last year but it didn't really come through
3.Be More Active-Get up and do something other then watching Spongebob on Netflix
4.Be more Open to New People-I am usually really shy when it comes to meeting new people
5.Talk Less Listen More-These are words to live by in 2013, aka i talk way too much
I hope i follow through with all of my resolutions, good luck with yours!