Sunday, October 25, 2015

So So Sorry!


It am so sorry I didn't post anything yesterday or today, I totally forgot in this whirlwind of college apps, SATs, and school.


Have a happy Halloween!  Good luck to all!  Hopefully I will remember to post next weekend!



Sunday, October 18, 2015


Lately I have been really tired.  This may have been due to the fact that new week I went to sleep at 3am consistently, or that there is so much to do in addition to my coursework.  College applications are stressful, because of everything required.  Letters of recommendation, which mean brag sheets.  And essays for college, just so many things to write.  And on top of all of that, SATs and SAT Subject Tests.  Everything can be really tiring, so here are some of my favorite caffeinated drinks!

For School:
Mugicha(Japanese Barley Tea)- I take it to school in my thermos, and it kept me from falling asleep the week that my bedtime was 3.  Its super easy to prepare, I put the cold brew tea bag in a jar that i fill with water and stick it in the fridge.

Starbucks Tall Iced Vanilla Soy Latte- I have no idea if this will actually keep you awake or not, because I have never tried drinking this before school; however, it tastes really good!  Here in LA, it never really gets cold, especially now, its been like 80 degrees everyday, so I usually order iced drinks at Starbucks.



Saturday, October 17, 2015

Thoughts on College Essays

I am currently in the process of writing my college essays, namely my UC Personal Statements, find out more about them here.  And I just have a few thoughts/tips for college essays in general.

Although I usually just ask myself why I am writing these essays in the first place, I realize that I actually do have some thoughts circulating around college essays

Essays are one thing, college essays are another.  Although an essay can impact your grade, college essays can really impact your life.  I am putting in twenty times the effort of a normal essay into my college essays, mainly my UC Personal Statements, since I most likely am going to end up going to an in-state school.

College essays can be stressful, but at the end of the day, they are not that bad.



P.S. I have updated the quick info section of my blog once again, check it out!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

So where am I in the college application process?


I figured that the best way to start my college journey blog, was to tell you where I am in my college journey.  I am still at the application phase, with two more essays to write, and SAT's to take and get scores from. I have yet to make my final list of colleges that I am applying to.  Here is the most up to date list.

University of California(UC):
Los Angeles
San Diego
Santa Barbara

California State University(Cal States):
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Monterey Bay
San Diego State

Out of States:
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
University of Washington-Seattle

Yours Truly,


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Introducing the new Glittery and Glam!!!


I am ecstatic to relaunch Glittery and Glam.

There are so many new cool features to my blog, as well as major changes.  A makeover always helps to revitalize a blog, but the makeover had a different purpose.  I am going to make this blog and college journey and lifestyle blog.  I am so excited to blog my entire college journey from deciding where to apply to, all the way up to starting college!  I invite you to join my on this once in a lifetime journey, literally!

You will notice that I have taken away tabs and added new ones!  Student Profile is literally my student profile, if you are curious to know what I'm applying with you can see there.  I also have added Quick Info, a page that will update you quickly on what step of my college journey I am on.  Lust Lists and Friday Folio are gone, because I am completely transforming my blog.  Because exGlittery and Glam had many posts, I will not delete anything from it.  It will show up in archive, and on the home page.  If you want to read purely exGlittery and Glam, you can visit the exG&G tab.

My last important change is that I am now going to post every weekend, Saturdays and Sundays.  The posts should go up at 1am PST, but there might be bonus posts throughout the week!  First post will go up tomorrow!

I look forward for what's to come with Glittery and Glam.

Yours Truly, 


Relaunch of Glittery and Glam!



I am over the moon to announce that I am going to relaunch Glittery and Glam.  I am so excited to post new content for you soon, and please excuse any weird activity on my blog as I transform the look of my blog again.  The relaunch date is TBA, so stay tuned.

With the highest regards,
