Sunday, July 31, 2016

Blog Relaunch Again?!? Preview tomorrow 12pm PDT

IG: floretflower

So I have decided to relaunch my blog, yet again, so yeah that's exciting.  Since most of my relaunches have been pretty unsuccessful, I have decided to do this one a little differently.  I am going to do a preview of my relaunch tomorrow at 12 noon PDT.  All new content, college journey, lifestyle, the works.  After my preview launches I will see how it goes, and then let you all know if and when I will be relaunching Glittery and Glam.  And always, G&G will always be accessible.  I'm super optimistic about this relaunch and hopefully it will workout in the end.  But as promised in my Instagram post there will be blog content posted this week so watch out for that!

More info will be given in the preview tomorrow, so until then, good night, sweet dreams, and see you at 12pm PDT tomorrow!



Exciting Announcement Coming at 9pm PDT!

A photo posted by glittery & glam (@glitteryandglam) on

Exciting announcement coming on the hour tonight!  Stay tuned!



Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Legally Blonde

Legally Blonde
Omigod you guys!

It's the fifteen year anniversary of the gift to the world that is Legally Blonde.  I was planning on posting about my Gossip Girl obsession, but that can wait until another day, because I need to pay homage to the inspiration of the most amazing creation of them all: Legally Blonde- The Musical.  But that deserves a whole individualized post, so yes, the movie that started it all.

Elle in her Harvard admissions video essay...(she can use legal jargon in everyday life)
This movie is so wonderful.  Elle is such an empowered and motivated person, she is very inspirational to many people, including myself.  I love how Legally Blonde has become iconic, if I ever have kids you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm showing them Legally Blonde.

Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods
Reese Witherspoon who portrayed Elle in the movie payed homage to the film on Instagram, doing the infamous bend and snap(what else?), actually there is something else. She also went through all of her costumes from the movie on her snapchat(snapsbyreese)!  Use the hashtag #LegallyBlonde15 on social media to honor the 15th anniversary of Legally Blonde!

Elle teaching the bend and snap to Paulette and others in the hair salon 
But seriously, I absolutely cannot believe that it has been fifteen years since Legally Blonde first came out.  It has truly inspired a generation, and will hopefully continue to inspire for generations to come.

Thank you Legally Blonde!  Like you have done for many, you have inspired me to be a better person, and to do well on AP tests(more info on that to come).

How has Legally Blonde changed you?



Elle in the courtroom
Check out my post on Elle(aka my role model) here!  Full-out, head-on dedicated post to Legally Blonde- The Musical (hopefully) coming soon!  Also btws, Legally Blonde(1 & 2) are on Netflix(just thought that you should know that...) :)

Typing "School"

Tumblr Source: unbna
So, as many of you know I have made it a goal to learn how to type correctly this summer.  I have gotten much better at typing and can now type all the letters without looking down at the keyboard.

At first I used some random website that was sort of self-guided, but it didn't work that well for me.  A few days later when I was talking to a friend who was also coincidentally learning how to type, she mentioned that she was using ratatype, and I have been using it ever since.  I am currently on lesson twelve(of fifteen), so I'm almost done.  After I finish all of the levels I think I'm going to copy books or something into the computer to get more practice.  Hopefully I'll be able to type at an adequate speed before college starts.

Are you trying to learn a new skill this summer?
