Friday, April 8, 2016

My visit to UC Berkeley and UC Davis Decision Day

Tumblr Source: florishing
Finally a post that's going up the same day that I write it!

So last week I visited both Berkeley and Davis.  We had initially planned to visit Davis on Friday and Saturday since Saturday was Decision Day and I wanted to tour the campus when students were there.  But then I got into Berkeley, so we decided to add on to the trip since we were already going up north.
walking around campus and I thought this was all really pretty

We visited Berkeley on Thursday attended an admitted students presentation and took a tour.  We also walked around Berkeley a little bit and ate at one of the dinning halls.  I also had to stop by at the student store to get a jacket for my friend.

lunch at Crossroads Dinning Common- Tofu Vermicelli Bowl
And then we left Berkeley and headed up to Davis.

accidentally took a picture of the grass at Davis (ft. my shoe)
We first got dinner in Downtown Davis at Dumpling House, and the dumplings were so good you guys, highly recommend.  And then we met up with my friend that currently attends Davis, and she gave me a tour of her dorm and we talked for a bit.  The next day we took a tour of the campus, and attempted to find at the class that I had made arrangements to sit in.  Unfortunately I was never given a room number for the class so I never ended up going: however, I did run into one of my former classmates in that building.  We then went to the CoHo(student run coffeehouse) and I got black bean tacos and boba.  We went to decision day the following day and headed back home.

I thought this was funny
I ended up really liking Berkeley, it felt a lot different from the last time I was there since it wasn't close to a holiday.  I had remembered Davis being a little more urban than it was, so I think I'm going to go to Berkeley.  Of course, other considerations have been taken, and I will let you all know when I commit.


So What Now?

Tumblr Source: stayfractional


Oops I haven't posted for like a month.  Note on the last post I meant to post it awhile ago but I forgot, my bad.

So, I have also been admitted to UC Santa Barbara, UC Berkeley, and University of Michigan- Ann Arbour.  So I miraculously go into all the schools I applied to, who would have thought.  I am extremely grateful for this situation and I am still in shock.

So what now?  It's come down to UCLA and UC Berkeley(yes I changed my mind).  I have been leaning towards Berkeley for awhile now, so I think I might go to Berkeley!

I'll let you all now when I submit my SIR and commit!  And then this whirlwind journey will finally end.  Well unless I decide to document my adventures in college as well, hmm I'll take note of that.


Monday, April 4, 2016

What Like its hard?

Tumblr Source: figtny

So in my last post I mentioned that I was anxiously waiting for UCLA decisions to come out, and although they did not come out at exactly 5, they came out very soon after.

And I am excited to share that I have been admitted to UCLA, which is crazy.  And although I did record my reaction of this, it's really embarassing so I might not release it.  Half of it is me trying to figure out how to log into the portal!

My mother has been the most supportive through this whole process.  In November when I was submitting applications she considered not allowing me to apply to schools like UCLA, UC San Diego, and Berkely because she thought I had no chance of getting in.  And although the later does not release decisions until Thursday, I got into both of the former(is that even proper English?).  When I revealed to my mother that I had been accepted to UC San Diego she was shocked.  And when I told her that I had been accepted to UCLA she told my that their admission policies and procedures must have changed.  #supportive

So now my list has increased, as of right now I am considering UC Davis, UC San Diego, and UCLA.

I will be visting all three on their according admitted student days, and then will shortly after making my decision, hopefully.  

